Having trouble keeping up with Pre-Orders?

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Darth Loki said:
Very kick ass. Thanks Lonnie. I'm gonna try to set this up this weekend.

Kinda makes my Excel spreadsheet look silly :eek:

Would it be possible to create something like this for products you currently own as well (kinda for insurance purposes)?

Actually, I have been working on a program for that very purpose for a long time. I was also creating it to be an archive of every product Sideshow has released. I've entered data on more than 200 products so far, but I have a long way to go. I don't get a lot of time to work on it, and I am making it do a lot of things, so that is why it is taking a while. I even built a form to mimic Sideshow's product pages and posted it a while back. Here it is...


Yes, that is actually an Access form, and is updatable!

One of these days, I will finish it.
Lonnie...that is very very nice and obviously a labor of love. Me....the 'puter wunderkind....I just keep a copy of the confirmation e-mail in a separate e-mail folder that I've named "Pending Orders". Thought I was being very clever but now I feel like those Geico Cavemen. :lol
SWEET! Got it set up. Gonna take a while to get all my pre-orders in there. Got quite a few :D

Thanks Lonnie
lcummins said:
Hey tylerd, I just tried it using Access XP (2002) and it worked fined, so you should have no trouble.

For anyone who is going to try the program or use it...

I just thought of something however... if on first opening the program, you receive a Microsoft warning dialog box about "unsafe expressions", you will have a choice about enabling or disabling functions, etc. This is a Microsoft security setting they was introduced in Access 2003, making some database functions no longer work. If this is the only Access database/program you will be using, it is safe to enable the functions. If you are using other third-party Access databases/programs, then it will be up to you to decide. I have a Word document that goes into a lot more detail about the issue if anyone wants it... just PM me. You may not get the warning at all... if you don't, then nevermind! :D

THANKS!! you are truly a collectibles FREAKMASTER!!! many cheers!
Kabukiman said:
This could be very simple to make in Filemaker Pro or Appleworks. I don't do enough preorders to require such an application, but if enough freaks requested it, I could make something up in Filemaker Pro or Appleworks.

I could make the Filemaker app a runtime so you wouldn't need Filemaker to use it, plus it would be compatible with Windows and Mac. But only if there's a demand, and lonnie doesn't mind me blatantly ripping off his app.

Well, I for one would be interested. If you could do this in Appleworks it ought to work for me. Don't know how many Mac users there are on the board or how many requests you'd need to make it worthwhile, but I'll keep checking back to see if there are any changes. Thanks for the reply. :)
Darth Loki said:
Lonnie, is there a way to print the report when you're done?

RTFM! :rotfl

Sorry... old IT joke!

Just hit CRTL+P and it will bring up the print dialog box where you can pick the printer and print the report. If you have any problems, just let me know.
Made a small update to add a form that can filter by Company, Retailer, Release Date or Product, or all of the above in any combination. Here is a screen cap of this form...


If you want to add this search capability, just download the new "front-end" and over-write the existing one in the same path you installed or copied to. If you have a path other than the default path (RoboDad :D ), then PM me. Here is the new front-end file (zipped up)...


Any issues, just let me know.

The two original zip files have been updated, so if you are just getting them, you don't need this updated front-end file, but it won't hurt anything if you do get it.
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Ok, I have updated the program to better handle installing to a location other than the default. You will now be prompted for the install location "back-end" data file automatically if the program can not find it. This should eliminate any error messages you might have received if you picked a location for installation other than the default. All zip files have been updated accordingly.

I highly recommend that if you have already downloaded one of the installation packages, that you update your installation with the new "front-end" file, PreOrders_fe.zip which can be found at


I should have coded it this way from the beginning, but again, it was originally written for me, so I knew how to fix the linking issue without having to do it with programming.

Hopefully, this will fix any issues that anyone may or would have encountered. Thanks.
this seems like an awesome program!!! i only have Captain America PF and PF Darkness on order so i really have no need for it.

~~~can you make something for Mac OS X???
hairlesswookiee said:
~~~can you make something for Mac OS X???
Sorry thats what you get for buying a Mac, but you could edit some photos and make a cool lil video.:rotfl
mfoga said:
you could edit some photos and make a cool lil video.:rotfl

Or you could make the exact same thing with Appleworks or Filemaker Pro (as I stated previously).
mfoga said:
Sorry thats what you get for buying a Mac, but you could edit some photos and make a cool lil video.:rotfl

This is certainly not enough of a problem to make me sorry I've got a Mac, but it would be cool if it were available to everybody, regardless of their gear. :D
hairlesswookiee said:
this seems like an awesome program!!! i only have Captain America PF and PF Darkness on order so i really have no need for it.

~~~can you make something for Mac OS X???

Kabukiman has kindly offered to do something like this for the Mac if enough people are interested. I'll do some research as well, to see if this can be ported over to the Mac, but I seriously doubt it.
mfoga said:
Sorry thats what you get for buying a Mac, but you could edit some photos and make a cool lil video.:rotfl
hey if software compatibility is the only issue then i'm doing great. i haven't had any regrets with the Mac yet and i laugh every time when i see PC users get the blue screen of death. once leopard comes out i'll be happy as can be.
Another update guys... I realized that I didn't put in a way to delete pre-orders that get canceled (I just deleted the record from the underlying table, but you guys can't).

So the Search form has been updated to be able to delete the current record, and will also ask if you want to delete the image file that is associated with the record. I also added the ability to filter "charged" vs "not charged" pre-orders to make searching a little bit better.


If you already have the program, just get the new front-end and overwrite your existing file. Your data is completely safe.


The setup zip files have also been updated for anyone who is just downloading for the first time.

If you already have Microsoft Access XP (2002) or 2003...


If you need the full installation program including the Access runtime files...


I have updated the database to calculate Sideshow Reward Points! I have updated the Zip files with the newest version, so the previous links will download the latest update.

For current users... WARNING! To get the Reward Points update, I had to update the back-end tables, which means you can't get the update without over-writing the back-end database file, which will of course, wipe out anything you have entered! If you really want the update, but want to save your records as well, PM me and I will try to help with exporting your records, updating the program and then importing your records back in.

Here are the links again...

Full setup program with Access Runtime files...

If you already have Access XP (2002) or 2003...

Updated documentation...
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