HBO's Game of Thrones

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I'm sorry, but the impersonated Arya theory makes no sense and has no basis on anything that has happened on the show up to this point. Seems like grasping at straws to me.

There are many nonsensical GOT theories out there, I may have even mentioned one or two in the past.

Other then Jon's lineage, most of the theorizing turns out to be false. I guess that's one of the great things about this show, it is really good at surprising it's audience, but when you look back, all the clues were there waiting to be picked up on.
I'm sorry, but the impersonated Arya theory makes no sense and has no basis on anything that has happened on the show up to this point. Seems like grasping at straws to me.

There are many nonsensical GOT theories out there, I may have even mentioned one or two in the past.

Other then Jon's lineage, most of the theorizing turns out to be false. I guess that's one of the great things about this show, it is really good at surprising it's audience, but when you look back, all the clues were there waiting to be picked up on.

Agreed. The idea of arya not being her or some wild theory is just not logical. Best season and can't wait for the next!!

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Man, Varys got from Dorne to Danny's Mereen fleet awfully fast!

Apparently Varys can teleport now? :dunno

And Dany's dragons can fly with the fleet across a vast sea with no food or rest?
So they just stay airborne for a few weeks living off their vast fat supplies?

Varys must have teleported Arya to Westeros as well . . . :lol

It actually might not be the Waif's face, because we never had a clear view of it. Jaqen's motivations are still a mystery, and I think if the assassins could have someone in disguise as Arya Stark (or have everyone convinced it's her), it would serve to their advantage. I was surprised to see this was actually making rounds on the Internet...

But, the biggest issue for me, was when Arya entered and left the House of Black and White and her injuries weren't debilitating her in any way. Whereas in the prior scenes, she was weak and was writhing from the stab wounds to her abdomen. It also doesn't make sense why she would go through the trouble of casually returning to Jaqen when she was trying hard, for days, to escape the assassins.

If you review the scene, Jaquen saw a large amount of blood going to the poison pool...then sprinkles of blood as it went to the chamber of faces....remember arya drunk the water and the no face god gave her sight is very clear to me that she drunk again and it gave her good health....she faced Jaquen with new vigor and she proclaimed her mission....
Apparently Varys can teleport now? :dunno

And Dany's dragons can fly with the fleet across a vast sea with no food or rest?
So they just stay airborne for a few weeks living off their vast fat supplies?

Varys must have teleported Arya to Westeros as well . . . :lol

When the alternative is to watch Arya sit on a boat for 4 episodes out of season, I'd rather they shift the timelines.
If you review the scene, Jaquen saw a large amount of blood going to the poison pool...then sprinkles of blood as it went to the chamber of faces....remember arya drunk the water and the no face god gave her sight is very clear to me that she drunk again and it gave her good health....she faced Jaquen with new vigor and she proclaimed her mission....

What evidence do you have Arya drank from the poison pool?
Thats a stretch.
Apparently Varys can teleport now? :dunno

And Dany's dragons can fly with the fleet across a vast sea with no food or rest?
So they just stay airborne for a few weeks living off their vast fat supplies?

Varys must have teleported Arya to Westeros as well . . . :lol


The timelines in each episode don't match up. It could be weeks/months difference between different scenes throughout the episode.
The timelines in each episode don't match up. It could be weeks/months difference between different scenes throughout the episode.

Non attentive viewers seem to have problems grasping this concept, even when the show states it quite clearly with both visual and narration clues. We see Varys in Dorne getting the support of their fleet and Daario telling that they've started painting the sails of the ships (which I'm going to guess can't be done in one day). Then later you get a shot of the full fleet with Varys that not only includes ships from Dorne but also Highgarden, implying that he returned with those ships while Dany people were finishing adding those beautiful dragon figurehead to the fleet and getting everything ready ;)
And Dany's dragons can fly with the fleet across a vast sea with no food or rest?
So they just stay airborne for a few weeks living off their vast fat supplies?

The Narrow Sea doesn't take weeks to cross by the estimates of people interested in such things. THere were horses on the boats so I don't see why there wouldn't be a Goat Boat for peckish dragons.
You guys are killing me with the time stuff. Do you really wants weeks of filler shows just so Vary's can travel from one place to another. I love the pace of the show. I think you kind to just have to assume that maybe a few weeks have gone by during each episode/scene(hell sometimes years in the case of the first season). Just because they cut from one place to another for a different scene doesn't mean it's the exact same time in their parts on the show.

Also I love a good ol theory discussion also, but Ayra as someone else, NOPE!
If you review the scene, Jaquen saw a large amount of blood going to the poison pool...then sprinkles of blood as it went to the chamber of faces....remember arya drunk the water and the no face god gave her sight is very clear to me that she drunk again and it gave her good health....she faced Jaquen with new vigor and she proclaimed her mission....

I didn't consider she may have drunk from the water pool. interesting.
You guys are killing me with the time stuff. Do you really wants weeks of filler shows just so Vary's can travel from one place to another. I love the pace of the show. I think you kind to just have to assume that maybe a few weeks have gone by during each episode/scene(hell sometimes years in the case of the first season). Just because they cut from one place to another for a different scene doesn't mean it's the exact same time in their parts on the show.

Also I love a good ol theory discussion also, but Ayra as someone else, NOPE!

I think it would then be called The Hobbit....ZZZzzzzzzzzzzz
Apparently Varys can teleport now? :dunno

And Dany's dragons can fly with the fleet across a vast sea with no food or rest?
So they just stay airborne for a few weeks living off their vast fat supplies?

Varys must have teleported Arya to Westeros as well . . . :lol


As I stated before, I'd take off screen sea travel vs. of off screen deaths any day of the week.

The Narrow Sea doesn't take weeks to cross by the estimates of people interested in such things. THere were horses on the boats so I don't see why there wouldn't be a Goat Boat for peckish dragons.

I can't remember where I read it, or if it's even "official" but I read that the Narrow Sea is akin to the English Channel.
Non attentive viewers seem to have problems grasping this concept, even when the show states it quite clearly with both visual and narration clues. We see Varys in Dorne getting the support of their fleet and Daario telling that they've started painting the sails of the ships (which I'm going to guess can't be done in one day). Then later you get a shot of the full fleet with Varys that not only includes ships from Dorne but also Highgarden, implying that he returned with those ships while Dany people were finishing adding those beautiful dragon figurehead to the fleet and getting everything ready ;)

Indeed. ;)
People are focusing on Varys's traveling, but what struck me is that Arya used Faceless Men/Many Faced God magic to assassinate Walder Frey. Given the whole uproar with her killing Ser Meryn unsanctioned, no way does she get to use a face without it being approved.

This gets back to the still unexplained, over-arching mystery of the Artist Formerly Known as Jaqen H'ghar being in King's Landing in the first place to coincidentally meet her and set her on a path leading to Braavos.

I'm also not convinced the Fight Club interpretation of the Waif was not accurate, since we never saw her die directly. It's almost like Arya passed some weird psychological trial that would explain them brazenly fighting in Braavos, her too-speedy recovery from stab wounds, and H'ghar just coolly accepting her decision to walk away from a rather fanatical cult of assassins.

This could all be awful Battlestar Galactica/Lost-esque writing that builds up things that never are really explained satisfactorily or coherent, but I want to believe there is more.


Edit: Ah, I see I'm not the only one still puzzling about this storyline.
I can't remember where I read it, or if it's even "official" but I read that the Narrow Sea is akin to the English Channel.

And that would make sense why its called the Narrow Sea :lol Its probably only a day or two journey then. Drogon took Danny all the way to the Dothraki in a single flight and it took her days, if not weeks to get back from that trip just on land. I think the dragons will be fine. Plus, its a TV show, they don't have to worry about things like that :p
I really think the writers had a change of heart with whatever they were planning with the Braavos/Arya storyline, so they just ended it in a weird, abrupt way, and are trying to move on, making us just think the whole purpose was to set her up to be a bad ass assassin. But it feels like it went the way of a Monty Python skit they couldn't figure out the ending for.

Just saw this. Pretty damn funny.

And that would make sense why its called the Narrow Sea :lol Its probably only a day or two journey then.

The most obvious answer is not always the first one considered.

And with land travel, you have to travel around certain things, like, I don't know, mountains and deserts and other geographical landmarks.