100% agree...as much as I love this show and we've seen plenty of glorious action this season, this for me is the worst out of the seven seasons. ..this no doubt would be totally fantastic if it was stretched to ten episodes( like normally it would be)...I believe no actor in GOT should be nominated for an Emmy this season for lack of drama and dialog....we had some great dialog too this season, but not enough imho. ..again wishing for the feel of the first six seasons to come back...still i love the show
To me it is letdown. Didn't like seeing a dragon taken out, plus IMO why isn't Daenerys taking better care of her "children"? E.g. she's up in the air, Drogon's already been speared in a battle, wouldn't you be on lookout for catapults, spears, etc? She says flat out re Cersei is laying a trap, wouldn't that include dragon defense? So why wouldn't she be more cautious with her dragons now when facing an enemy? So she is sort of a war leader, but a stupid war leader throwing away her best weapons?
And why wouldn't she have seen and target the white walker leaders anyway - they are just standing there (suddenly). Doesn't cry over Viserion, too busy making eyes at Jon Snow.
Everyone is in love with Daenerys

....and everyone in love with her kinda become friends

...never mind the time and distance problems which floored me.
I don't buy Sansa and Arya at all. And they're ruining Arya for me. All the eerie-ness of Jaquen H'ghar and Arya taking out the Freys and now she's set up by Littlefinger - when she left the House of Black and White I assumed, in theory, that she had passed the "final test" of sorts. E.g. she wouldn't be so klutzy as to get spotted/set up by Littlefinger and she wouldn't be chatting about being trained as a Faceless Man - she'd be more subtle, across the board. Unless there's some real weird twist there e.g. this isn't Arya at all, but a Faceless Man and it's all politics like who hired the Faceless Man (re the books) in the first place. Or a nice twist where Arya is letting Littlefinger THINK he's winning, etc.
Meanwhile, Brandon who has all this mysterious power is off playing checkers or something.
I dunno - it's beginning to feel less like GOT and more from something on the Sci-Fi channel, for me.