Super Freak
Downloading the Demo right now
Is it any good?
Is it any good?
Downloading the Demo right now
Is it any good?
I actually love the voice work; gives it that surreal, faux reality kinda vibe. Realistic without being realistic, if that makes sense
Sorry, Matt, I dunno what you mean there. Heavy Rain isn't supposed to be surreal, it's intended to mimic real life, and I can't get completely absorbed by it if some of the supposedly middle-America type characters sound like they lived most of their lives abroad. However, It's not a big deal and I'm still looking forward to the game regardless.
Odd thing is, Indigo Prophecy had it nailed down when it came to the voice work.
So I suggest not playing with the bum (wtf?).
Am I the only person that just doesn't get what the big deal is with this game??? I played the demo and I was alright at best. Hopefully the story is awesome, which it seems like it will be.
I'll probably give it a rent just to get the story and see what its about, but not sure the $60 is worth it. I tried to be sneaky and preorder it at Gamestop for the prequel download, but they are only giving those codes out when you pickup the game.
That sounds so wrong
glad it wasn't just my PS3 that crapped out then
If they give you a separate card, perhaps you can buy it, get the card, and return the game?