This is good news for me. I've spent way too much money this month and debated whether to keep my order for him. Now that he's pushed back, my wallet can breathe a bit.
Hey hey! My waitlist converted for the exclusive. I really really like this piece, but it might be a bit too expensive THESE days. I didn't mind dropping 450 bones for Grievous back in the day, but these days I don't even wanna drop 335 for Hellboy. At elast I got 'til MArch to think about it. After I get Indy on Monday, this would technically be my only PF on order. I'm done buying PF's except for possible Indy ones, or unless they sneak something crazy out that I wasn't expecting but have to have, like they did with the Darkness PF. Still suprised there isn't a Palpatine PF.