Super Freak
Just want to thank Ron and Dan for some Great Customer Service
Happy Holidays TA

Just want to thank Ron and Dan for some Great Customer ServiceHappy Holidays TA
Congratulations to Toylion for winning the November Custom Figure drawing! That brings us to an end of the monthly drawing for 2010 since we have an actual custom figure contest for December. We will decide if we want to continue the contest for 2011 when the time comes, but we really need more participants to justify it. We only had 9 entries for November.
Thats how the cookie crumbles sometimes unfortunately. When I know there is an upcoming product (ie Dastan) that I want something from (ie Dastan body) I watch the site like a hawk when its listed as coming soon or within the next 7 days. For Dastan I actually refreshed the page during a brief time everything was listed but there was none in stock. So I clicked on the body's page and within a few minutes everything disapeared again, but I still had the body page opened up and just refreshed that until it finally was put up on the site.
But if people really want certain parts so badly, they really need to use the pre-order part outs when they are available. I imagine the Stallone and T-800 bodies would be much easier to get this way than waiting for them to go in stock.
They still have T-1000 uniforms up! What is up with that? I thought those would have been gone in minutes!
I'll even keep an eye open for you.