So is it just our paranoia that Hot Toys is doing less accessories to cut out the secondary market from parting them out, or what? What are you guys willing to pay for Salina Kyle parts, I mean, should we part them out? Prices will be high.
It sucks for everyone IMO, except HT. They are still charging us like these are fully loaded figures but are giving us on the barest of bones. I mean really, a pistol for Catwoman? Thats it? I mean hands and a stand are still a given IMO so thats it really. I mean yeah she didn't interact with a lot, but I do agree that the necklace would have been a good one. Heck, why not the random guy's watch too? A girl needs to eat right? How can see if she can't part anything out?

I mean, $50 head, $50 body, $50 outfit, $25 boots, $2 each hands, $3 stand, and $8 for the pistol isn't leaving you guys with much even at those prices. Stupid HT!