They were doing site maintenance right before it pooped out, wonder if it was that more than the traffic. I mean I guess it could be getting swamped, but it's been a few hours now I think, that seems a long time to blame on traffic.
Coming Within the Next 7 Days
Triad Abigail Van Helsing
Triad Iris Barnham
Triad Riza Miyamoto
Hot Toys Samurai Predator (Boxed and Parted)
Hot Toys Pirates of the Caribbean OST Anjelica
Coming Soon
Hot Toys Star Wars Luke Bespin
Sideshow Star Wars Modal Nodes
Sideshow Star Wars Commander Neyo
Sideshow Star Wars Tusken Raider
Sideshow Star Wars STAP w/ Battle Droid
Sideshow GI Joe Cobra Desert Trooper
And just an fyi guys I saw the Samurai Predator at the store today and holy cow is that cool. The base is gorgeous, pics do NOT do it justice. Really looks like a statue and an action figure.