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That is the plan though Predators have become increasingly more difficult to part out.

:lecture Last time i checked you guys still had Berserker , Tracker & Falconer parts still :horror

So the Predator parts aren't hot sellers , no need to waste your time breaking them down :exactly::goodpost:
That is the plan though Predators have become increasingly more difficult to part out.

I see. Well if you have an extra head and closed mandables Id buy em from you. You could PM me if you come across them otherwise Ill just keep an eye on this thread for further news. Thanks
I see. Well if you have an extra head and closed mandables Id buy em from you. You could PM me if you come across them otherwise Ill just keep an eye on this thread for further news. Thanks

Them's fighting words here lol. There is some fierce competition to get parts around here, and no one gets any special treatment. All parts are strictly first come first served once one our site. You should be safe in getting a head though. Predator heads don't usually sell out that quick.
Ahhh i see lol. Never heard of u or this thread until recently so I am unfamiliar with how you work. So no PM's got cha. Thanks
Any timeframe about the city predator breakdown?
Just need one footpeg to fix my classic ^^
To make sure the customs contest continues, I'll toss up my Grunt.


Everything but the clothes and head are from TA.
I think I've forgotten to post a couple video reviews. Here's our Sideshow Bossk and Enterbay Men In Black 3 reviews by the fantastic MrTransformers96.


Snagged me some pred parts I've been needing. I would have been all over that Snake head, but picked one up on the bay.. :(