hey..its not my fault..i stopped bugging him hours ago...
That must have been difficult for you.
hey..its not my fault..i stopped bugging him hours ago...
it was...thought you were going home for the night? not that i would know that...cuz i hadnt been buggin ya or anything...hey..i ate supper in there somewhere and worked on my customs....it's not all about you, you know...lol....
have a great night..
im not sure if that's a compliment or an insult...lol...
Looks a bit cartoonish even for Statham.
havent been here for awhile is the monthly contest still goin on havent been around 1/6 hobbies lately well heres my take on Lee Christmas from the expandables not acurate tho
awyeah thanks TA for the parts
Ok Here's my March Entry
Custom Bane - Boss Version
The Dark Knight Rises