Hello from Toy Anxiety!!

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You will get a reply once the shipping department is here tomorrow as they have gone for the day. Thank you!

Guess im not getting the MMS238 boots i paid for as they are again nomore in stock...

Pants and boots from the T-800 already gone? Sometimes I don't know why I even bother. The popularity of your site works against me time and time again.

could be worse, could finally got and paid for them and not getting them lol ;)
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i dont have an issue with redman itself..but if they are recasts, than that is a whole other issue...
i have the Rick set and love it...

lately, this thread has seemed to have gone to the dogs..lots of negative vibes going on around here...as a TRUE supporter of TA...it kind of saddens me to see this happen....if it keeps up, they may just pull this whole thread and not do any updates or anything...so everyone needs to be less whiny about things...

if you don't like TA or Monkey depot or whoever..fine..cool...but don't ruin it for the rest of us...

let's get it back to the good ol' fun times it used to be...post pics of your bashes..ask toy questions...keep the BS out...

View attachment 202593

Well said spider.., TA is good to us, let's help keep it that way.
Re: Toy Anxiety, incoming!!

August entry:
Conan the barbarian


CROM~! That's MAZEBALLZ.., Breakdown?
Guess im not getting the MMS238 boots i paid for as they are again nomore in stock...

The pair you ordered is not on the site because you ordered them, the quantity just got missed when pulling the order. I'm sure they are still sitting in the bin they were in to begin with.

could be worse, could finally got and paid for them and not getting them lol ;)
Please have patience, we always work this type of stuff out.
Despite its flaws that Tech Noir head looks a lot more like Arnie than the MMS238 or John Matrix sculpts. I'm shocked at the regression HT has made at his likeness.
Woo, thanks TA for running this contest. I just got back from vacation and this was a most awesome surprise! Just glad it's a random drawing or I'd never win, you guys have some amazing talent for these customs.
Re: Toy Anxiety, incoming!!


Been while August entry , idk I used this yet....

Rick Grimes from you know who! Up dated boots TA Captain America
Re: Toy Anxiety, incoming!!

I'd love to have Bill the Butcher, but there's no way I'd pay $1,200 for one of those custom figs. I saw the new Dirty Harry and wanted it until I saw the price on Ebay.
How much did the HT Jim Gordon glasses go for? And will we be getting more breakdowns of the set?
The pair you ordered is not on the site because you ordered them, the quantity just got missed when pulling the order. I'm sure they are still sitting in the bin they were in to begin with.

Please have patience, we always work this type of stuff out.

Thanks, its aleready been solved ^^
As always TA rules :)