Could we please get another "Butcher" breakdown? All I see now are hands, stands, and plain bodies.
I'll check the computer and see what I can do.
Could we please get another "Butcher" breakdown? All I see now are hands, stands, and plain bodies.
Hoping for another Yondu breakdown soon, I need that body for my Thrawn custom.
Anymore Tomb Explorer breakdowns?
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Will you guys be getting and breaking down the CC Toys Joe?
Woohoo, got the Luke stand I’ve been waiting for. And a porg I didn’t need. And Rey’s saber, though I haven’t seen confirmation that it works with the TFA version.
Dang it! I didn’t even think of that!
Let this message distract you. >_>Hoping for that Yondu restock.
Hi, any more Return of the Jedi Lukes being broken down? Somehow, like an idiot, I forgot to order his boots! AARAGH!
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