TA, would you PLEASE fix your ordering/cart system so that if an item that has been leftover/held in your cart has since fallen out of stock, you don't have to keep amending your cart at checkout?
I had to constantly go all the way through the paypal checkout process then back to the cart, over and over, as the system flagged now out-of-stock items, ONE BY ONE. Simply because I had some items sitting in my cart from a week or so ago.
After carefully checking here over and over to track new breakdowns for over a week, I'm really angry to have lost items due to a poorly thought out ordering system. I was HERE when the breakdown was posted, had the items in my cart, but lost out due to this. HUGE waste of time to have checked here so often.
If I do a reload on my cart, it should simply list the items that are now out of stock, and AUTOMATICALLY REMOVE THEM. Instead, it leaves items in that you have to remove manually, and there's no way to know if further items were already out of stock also until they are flagged by going through the checkout process again.
There used to be a "Update cart" button in the old system that would trigger a LIST of "not enough in stock" items (that yes, you'd still have to manually remove) but that seems to be gone with this new system.
So if you have say five items sitting in your cart, you have to go through the full checkout process five times to then learn that each item is out of stock and go back and manually remove it.
I used to hold slow-selling items in my cart so I could get those at the same fast-selling items were broken down, but I now know - NEVER do that. Always keep your cart empty. Basically, I lost items I really wanted (and had been checking here ad-nauseum) simply because of less important stuff I had sitting in my cart.