help me please!!!

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Super Freak
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
can anyone explain me how can i understand if the iron man exclusive comiquette from sideshow is original?????
it will have a grey foam paking carton and it won't be from china :D
if your looking at the regular edition, as far as i know they should be all authentic. i haven't heard of recasts of them yet.
now the exclusive version is where the recasts are been made. there is a lot of ways to tell the difference, but most a difficult without having the piece on hand. the best is to get pictures of the removable head and the stryofoam packing box, if the box is white then it's fake. as for the head, one has just a square block to secure it, and the other has a block with a pin sticking out of it. unfortunately i can't recall which is the correct one, though someone else could probably tell you.
good luck.
Also don't forget that the red is a darker red almost maroon instead of actual red and wasn't there fakes with backwards shoulder fittings, I know I was reading that somewhere as well... Also, I saw some exclusives with the extra head looking more yellow instead of Caucasian Tony Stark head.
It took me awhile after reading pages after pages and pictures after pictures of them, I'm good at identifying a fake vs. real one.

Show me pictures of them at various angles and I think I can help you.

I wouldn't use the foam or packaging as an indicator because they have master that already. And don't think US sellers are selling original one. I have seen sellers from US selling fakes already - just because they bought it from Asia and they're hoping someone will buy it off from their mistakes.

Thanks to member P1X4R because I was able to buy it from him since he was the first original owner from direct Sideshow.
How do we know you're not a recaster spy trying to figure out how to fix the known differences? :monkey1
Yeah I was thinking the same thing Mesa but oh well let's see them try and perfect the unperfected I guess?!?!??

dido, had a slight hint of it also when i first read the post, but then figured if they were a recaster, they probably had already been following all the previous posts about this topic.
The original Iron Man comiquettes come with a COA (certificate of authenticity) from sideshow, but it's casted within the IM statue's core, so the only way you know you have a real one is if you break it open.

After realizing their mistake, on future Marvel grails, SS will now embed a chip that transmits a signal to verify the authenticity of the statue. You'll need an antenna, demodulator, and key decrypter to verify the received signal. Bummer, and good luck in your search.

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The original Iron Man comiquettes come with a COA (certificate of authenticity) from sideshow, but it's casted within the IM statue's core, so the only way you know you have a real one is if you break it open.

After realizing their mistake, on future Marvel grails, SS will now embed a chip that transmits a signal to verify the authenticity of the statue. You'll need an antenna, demodulator, and key decrypter to verify the received signal. Bummer, and good luck in your search.


wow, that should be in it's own thread man that's earth breaking news:lol:lol

ps. instead of breaking the im, a guy could just go to the local clinic and get them to take a x-ray of im to verify the goods are up his yahoo.