I guess I just don't understand him. I've been late to ship stuff, I've had real life come in and screw up my plans. But when you trade someone for something, you make DAMN sure they get it. You will not stop worrying until you hear from them or know they got it.. via the feedback system.
What you do not do, is after talking back and forth with the person, saying the stuff must have gotten lost in the mail or that you were going to remail another figure to make up for it.... and never check up on it.
And I really do want to send him a PM and ask him about it, but I know I will get nothing but lies. He will make up some story and try to appeal to my good side, and I'm such a dope... I'd probably believe it like I already did.
Point of the matter is, he took two figures from me. One full custom and another repainted figure. I was supposed to get an Aragorn and a few other figs out of the deal.. but instead got nothing but a bad lesson on dealing with ass clowns.