Hi from Denmark

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Just a little freaky
Nov 12, 2014
Reaction score
I just joined up,.. male, 47 years old, real name Jan :) Followed the forum, read a lot of posts in the past years. Been collecting 1/6 scale for some years, also kitbasking stuff - mainly modern and WWII figures, and rebuilding headsculpts, bodies etc.

What kickstarted my interest in 1/6, was due to my normal work as a photographer. Searched around for funny photo gadgets and came across small scale cameras, and eventually saw 1/6 scale figures. I dont buy a lot of complete figures, mostly get spares, and kitbashing. But I do own some, including some western series Sideshow, a single Star Wars, DID, Soldier Story, DAM, and a bunch of Hot Toys :)

My photography is mostly people - female models (glamour, fashion etc), done several magazine covers, onlinestuff and so on. So guess I'm a detailfreak haha, both with photography and scale figures, and there are some resemblance between the two things - the realistic part, poses, lights, clothing. Used to have the Actionman/GI Joes back then too,...action figures have come a long way ;)

There are not that many shops around here, basically do my shopping in the UK, US or Ebay.
Thanks for the post Jan - glad you're enjoying SSF! I hope you'll share some of your kitbashes with us. I like doing custom stuff myself when I have time, and photography as well, though that's just a hobby - I'm by no means professional, but it's still fun.

I look forward to seeing more of your posts.

Kind Regards,
Thanks ken,..already enjoying it ;)

And yeah, time I guess is our main issue,.. I dont get to do that many kitbashes myself, but will share as much as I can. Think I tend to build stuff, like the process, and then either forget or dont have the time for grapping pictures :D
