Hahaaaa yeah but has he put the emails he sent me I doubt it? Also calling somebody black is not racist.
I love the whole racist thing makes me laugh , him calling me all kinds because I'm from uk is that not racist , calling somebody fat if thin is that not racism insulting the colour if people's hair or lack of people's hair not racist?
Seems to be these people the ones that make a big drama out of it to get what they want , like when a white guy kills a black guy it was a racial attack , but when it us a black guy killing a white guy it is something like self defence but never a racial attack.
All a load of bull , and to thing this guy is supposed to be in the military well he says he is that is probably lies too.
Also regarding sexuality yes I thin same sex relationship is out right wrong and they are sexual deviant and not right in the head , but again they walk around rubbing it in people's face holding hands , kissing in public and getting married , against human nature surely being Muslim you must understand that.
They are no better the child sex offenders as they think that us normal too when it is just outright wrong