Hitman - 1\6 Agent 47 custom figure by V-Raptor

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Thanks, everybody so much!
Soon I'm getting the new suit. Hope that it will ROCK.


Here we go, fellows! You can find the gun here: Item number 350192036886
This seller have few of them. And that little paint job will be needed (you'll have to repaint breech-mechanism and down part of the charger).

It's pretty expansive guns, but they are perfectly fits to Mr.47 and to placing them into the case. Colt 1911 from Terminator - also nice, it more looks like Silverbarrel, but 2 of them are too big for case and you won't be able to place some other thing inside it.

I will post photos of case in progress later.
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1) Make the pasteboard box that fits into case. The bottom side is solid, and the upper side has holes that fits for all your planning Hitman accessories. The side walls are not very high, so the pasteboard could be placed into case. And cut two corners from the top, so the case's moving parts will be able to get in, when you're closing the case.

2) Put some epoxy polymer inside the box, so it will become hard rock. I used yellow-gray “Milliput” (strange name, coz it’s totally salad-green). Let it become hard for 24 hours.

3) Than place more epoxy polymer and make smooth all walls inside the box. Let it become hard.

4) Than we should use some non-transparent fabric. I used red satin placing it with gloss side to the top.

5) Than find two-sided Scotch tape and place it inside the holes in your box using all their surfaces. Than place the fabric to the up of the box and start putting accessories inside one by one. Start with guns, coz they are most big. The fabric must glue to the Scotch inside the holes. Afterward glue the fabric to the bottom well and cut unnecessary parts. You can use lighter for the edge's of fabric, so it won't exfoliate any ore.

6) Place the weapon-box into the case end enjoy!

Hope that this instruction will be useful ^_^
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Thanks, Reinhardt! I really glad that you've enjoyed it.

I like this tie, coz it's glittering in the day lite, like silk. It looks really cool, and the size if fine. But not 47's style, in this option I'm agree with you.
I'm planing to buy Spirit's tie soon, but still not sure that I will change it, maybe I'll use it for the second figure...

Maybe someday some cool and kind sculptor will make authentic Agent 47's head, and I'll buy the recust, and make second figure in a white suit, and give him 2 silverbarrels... :) This will make me happiest 1\6 Hitman holder in the world! :rotfl

Heh? Any sculptors reading it?
Public waits for some cool 1\6 Agent 47 head!


Yeah, been wishing a sculptor would pick this up as well. Dropped a suggestion to Spencer a few weeks ago but I don't think he was interested. Also been looking for a white suit for a while for this very reason. Think I posted in the WTB section a couple of times. There are a few out there, but nothing along the lines that would really work for this project.

One suggestion: throw a coat of gloss varnish on those gloves. Really adds to the overall look. I used this suit: https://www.store-rooms.com/Product.aspx?sku=422. Not only was it nice and form fitting, but it also came with a pair of glossy shoes that complimented the gloves nicely. I like your idea about picking up the Denny Colt tie. Might have to do that as well. Would also be nice to find a nice pin stripe shirt somewhere.
this suit
Yap! I have it and don't like, if saying honest. :( The pants are too thick, more looks like 80th. IMHO. Getting nice black modern suit - is a big problem indeed. :banghead

Already bought Denny Colt tie, waiting while it is traveling around the world :rolleyes:

Well... Hitman is done. Time to start my T-800 Siege, 1\6 Elder predator's throne environment and Indiana Jones. By the way, just a little offtop photo:

*Indi's repaint made by my good friend Alex from Moscow*
Thanks, everybody so much!
Soon I'm getting the new suit. Hope that it will ROCK.


Here we go, fellows! You can find the gun here: Item number 350192036886
This seller have few of them. And that little paint job will be needed (you'll have to repaint breech-mechanism and down part of the charger).

It's pretty expansive guns, but they are perfectly fits to Mr.47 and to placing them into the case. Colt 1911 from Terminator - also nice, it more looks like Silverbarrel, but 2 of them are too big for case and you won't be able to place some other thing inside it.

I will post photos of case in progress later.

awesome. Thanks for the link.
I just bought two. :D My hitman wont have a shotgun now. :lol:horror
Thanks for the photos of the suitcase too , very creative and it turned out awesome. :rock
Received Spirit's tie today.
I don't like it at all. The wire inside it bent like hell, and tie looks very crumpled. Ironing helped but still it's not perfect. The fabric is very thick, so you can see the wire inside it in the daylight. X_X And the worst thing - the tie is totally matt, no silk glittering on it.

So here is my advice:
Use "PA088 1/6 Accessories Red Tie" for calm-posed figures (it looks really business-like!) and use "Spirit's tie" only with action-poses, when you want to imitate the strong blowing wind.

Good luck!

PS Repainted Predator 2 on photo ^_^
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that does look alot better. :rock
Are the saturday toys suits all the same apart from colour ?.
I have a spare tan suit you see... does anyone know if I could I simply dye that for hitman ?.
Chouzi, uscmhicks, THANKS!
Wish some great Hitman's to ya, fellows ;)


You can buy head like this (Antonio Banderas) from > this seller <.
Just ask hip for the recast.

I've resculpted it's mouth, joues and make it bold. Very long job... Unfortunately, I didn't touch the nose - and it is my main mistake. :( So if someone will make Hitman from this head with additional resculpting - please, PM to me, I will gladly buy one of your recasts to fix my figure.


Are the saturday toys suits all the same apart from colour ?.
I don't know, honestly. :confused:

does anyone know if I could I simply dye that for hitman ?.
I don't think that it is a good idea. I hate dyeing cloths, coz that it's shrinking and it will never-ever dye equal. :mad: ((( That's why I was so upset about Obama's suit :banghead - getting black ST is very hard and expensive (((

Now I'm dreaming for a white Hitman... :rolleyes::rolleyes:
New photos of the figure in a Saturday Toys suit.
The pants were taken in a little bit from the inner side to look more modern.


Matching of two ties.
Well, I still don't like Spirit's tie, "PA088 1/6 Accessories Red Tie" looks better.
Spirit's tie is the right one.


Now I think that the right guy is more dangerous that the left one <_<'

Thanks for watching!
Next time I will post an artistic photos. But it will take some time.
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Excellent work
Thanks, bro! I really appreciate your opinion.

That's a beautiful figure you have there
oooo, e! Killing figure! ))) Hi's almost perfect for me now.
I will only change head, if someday someone will sculpt good 47th.

the new tie is much better
There is no new tie. It's the same tie that you can see on the first photo section ;)
Spirit's tie very disappointed me. (((
Only problem with the actual tie is that's too thick, you should try to bend it from the sides and glue it with some double faced tape, see how that looks :D
I'm starting making White Dressed Hitman.
Will try to use Spirit's tie there )))

Also, my good friend started to make sculpt of 1\6 Hitman 2 head directly from the game.
I will post some news someday. Stay in touch! ^^
I think i used the same tie as well. Thought it kind of big at first but over-emphasis kind of works. I'm almost done with this guy, just need to repaint the right pupil; made it bigger than the left and didn't realize until I after I varnished him (doh!). Teaser:


Stoked to see your white suit version. Been scouring the internet for a long time now for one with no luck. SS's Tony Montana suit was the only one that even came close. Good luck.
just need to repaint the right pupil; made it bigger than the left and didn't realize until I after I varnished him (doh!)

LOL ))) Good luck to you with this killer. Please, post link for his tread here, when you'll done with it :) What suit you used?

Stoked to see your white suit version.
ooo, it won't be soon. )) I will wait until my friend finish the head sculpt. By the way, he will make the recasts for the custom orders, so everybody will be able to get it (though I'm paying for the sculpting work, DOH <_< ).