I have mixed feelings about this game. I am currently at the Dexter Industries level and to me it is two steps forward, one step back.
I love the story driven narrative, the graphics, the controls, the CQC stuff, the point tagging, and the fact that Bateson is back!!!
I hate that I can't select what weapons to bring and the revamped disguise system. You get discovered too easily now. I mean on paper it sounds good, if you disguise yourself as a janitor, maybe other janitor will know you are an imposter but in a compound with hundreds of guards, it is silly that all of them will know that you are an imposter. That wasn't very obvious early on but in the later levels, it gets really aggravating when you walk into a room with loads of guards and they start opening fire cause they know magically that you are Agent 47.
Instead of blending in openly, I have to either kill everyone or play the game like MGS (which then defeats the whole point of hit man games)
Sure you can use instinct to negate it but they ran out really quick and when you have so many guards to go through, eventually you are gonna have to kill someone or sneak around like Snake.
I also miss the sandbox aspect of the previous games. I mean there are still some large areas but they got nothing on Blood Money levels in terms of size.
This game basically feels more linear and you have less choices.
Overall it is a good game and a must for Hitman fans but at the same time, you felt that they are trying too hard to implement elements from other modern shooters and action games (COD, Uncharted, Splinter Cell) and that is a big mistake IMO.
The main draw of Hitman has always been how it is the polar opposite of other similar games back then.
I really hope things improved later on.