I don't disagree, but the opposite can also be true. If you start with the least popular series and characters and make customers wait too long for their grails, you can get to a situation where the license fees need to be paid and the revenue just isn't there because customers won't dive in until they get at least a few of their top liners.
The Star Ace Harry Potter line is evidence of this. HP fans were very happy to be able to get quality 1/6 into their collections, and the initial releases were strong. But most people wanted older versions of the big three characters and Star Ace was clearly committed to a strategy of film order release for their figures. So customers put their wallets away, revenue dried up, and they could no longer afford to hire top sculpting talent. and then it was over. figure quality went into the toilet and they were never able to recover since NO ONE wanted pretty much anything from them anymore.
So I think the answer might be a mixed bag. Get folks hooked with high quality offerings possibly from a lesser franchise to start, but soon after throw out a lower tier grail or two and keep it going. have a little something for everyone most of the time. Build loyalty in that way, and then hit with the very top level grails on your way out the door! That would be my advice, at least...