Horror Montage.

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Rzeznikk great work mate i love seeing Horror art that isn't just the same photo every one else has drawn. I realy love the inclusion of Tom Savini as Sex machine what would eighties Horror films have been with out him.I have started a thread on the art forum for Horror Inspired art lets get some art on there folks.
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Were you able to find a printer large enough to print this?

Don't forget about us now. :wave

Yeah if that happens let us know watching this thread closely hoping you can get it printed

Havent had a chance to really look into it. October has been a busy month. :lol

I will let you guys know if I do though!
That piece kicks ass WOW. If you ever make prints of it I want one. Please make prints of it.
So would I brother. It will be better cause you won't have the folds. The scan would be able to be rolled up. Keep me posted. If definitely be interested in a scan!