Community forums are at their best when participants treat their fellow posters with respect and courtesy. Therefore, we ask that you conduct yourself in a civilized manner when participating in these forums. Remember, that your opinion is not a fact and repeating the same criticism over and over again is unlikely to change anyone else’s mind. Think about how your post comes across to readers and be mindful of how you’d like others to respond before you post. The guidelines and rules listed below explain what behavior is expected of you and what behavior you can expect from other community members. Note that the following guidelines are not exhaustive, and may not address all manner of offensive behavior. As such, the forum moderators shall have full discretion to address any behavior that they feel is inappropriate. Your access to these forums is a "privilege," and not a "right." reserves the right to suspend your access to these forums at any time for reasons that include, but are not necessarily limited to, your failure to abide by this code.