Considering using that $50 code on this guy. Really want to finish my guardians set, but I dunno
slightly underwhelmed by him.
h well bought him anyways.


Considering using that $50 code on this guy. Really want to finish my guardians set, but I dunnoslightly underwhelmed by him.
Edith well bought him anyways.
Nothing crappy about those pics !! Looking great.
Thanks, man!
P.S I like the sneaky Starlord arm trying to get around Gamora ;-)
Bit of a dangerous move though considering she's got her sword out![]()
Finally had a chance to unbox Drax. Did a quick video and took some quick photos with the team. Sorry for the shaky video.
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Quick Video:
You know I was pretty underwhelmed by the reveal of this guy, but he is significantly cooler in hand. Not to say there isn't still issues with the body, but he does read as bigger and definitely drax in person.
Easily the least impressive Hot Toys figure I own, but at least he looks great with the team. Still wish Hot Toys gave us an extra angry Drax head. His entire character can be summed up in that expression, not the "waiting for the bus" expression we got.