Hot Toys- 1/6 Avengers Thor

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Armor looks much better here than on the V1. I missed my Thor so I'll probably pick this up especially if he comes with the helmet.

So far so good, the lighting in the photo could be the key thing but it appears at least that his armour looks more akin to that which is in the film rather than the boring matt looking paint job they gave the first figure. Shame the cape looks like it's using the same material as the last one though, should be a thicker velvet type of material. Just hope the headsculpt/hair is better than the last one :pray:
Both costumes and 2 heads.... Cap's price... or

One head, one costume... Hawkeye's price....

I would prefer the first option.

:exactly: I think the sleevless look, plus the different chest piece and gauntlets warrant another figure.
Well i passed on the first Thor as i couldnt stand his silly seam across the head and the poor sculpt on the face. Hoping this one knocks the other out of the park,,:pray: looks like he has metal hammer again which is good, arm armour looks alot better though that may be due to futzing and not a new version. id like the ability to take the arm armour off so we can get both looks. This is almost def gonna be ordered unless it looks worse than the first sculpt
Looking forward to this. Didn't get the first version because the arms and head bothered me. As long as he doesn't have real hair, it's a purchase.
$215 rehash? Meh.

If the sculpt is nice I might buy it parted out. Otherwise HT can suck my butt with their $200+ figures. :pfft:
Thor is in his "Thor section" of the detolf w/custom movie background image...along with Odin.. and "Avengers Thor" will be in the Avengers section of the detolf....:) Same with IM and Cap..Simple as that.
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