Helmet improved on the ESB. Wider and obviously different paint apps.
I don't know Wor-Gar, I feel some of these blue colors are pretty accurate. Kenner figure was a little too blue, but not terribly off. I know Kershner used some blue filters in ESB on Bespin and especially on Hoth, but photos like the Red Hallway scene with Lando don't seem to have a blue hue, yet you can see on his sleeves the costume looks pretty blue. The proto suit was clearly blue, and the final pic is from BobaMaker ( and a comparison pic of his ROTJ costume). He makes probably the most accurate/researched Fett suits, and his ESB suit is pretty blue compared to his ROTJ.
I personally have been too busy/lazy to dye my suit yet, but I've got my china blue ready to go. Just want to add a bit more to mine then what HT did.
Finally all in the shelf. Boba is looks damn good. (Apart from the gauntlets being too big and the jetpack too small- again)
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