**** YES!
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I wanted to know if the ESB Leia figure features a pinup tattoo of Chewbacca on her butt.
So no, your vague article did not "literally" cover "everything and anything you wanted to know."
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Just noticed Hot Toys suit 'zips' up on the wrong side.
I would have been awesome if it came with two hair pieces for the hoth and Bespin escape styles.
This has been a concern for me, too. I have one shelf with the classic New Hope good guys (Luke, Han, Leia, Chewy, Obi Wan--will buy droids when HT releases OT versions of them). On another, I've got Bespin Luke, Vader, Boba Fett, and Stormtrooper. That works for me, but I cannot resist this Leia, or Bespin Han (already ordered Jnix's head in anticipation), or probably Hoth Han or Luke. Then what? But does that then mean I need another Chewy? Another set of Droids? Do I have to buy Yoda? Lando? Emperor? Where do you stop??????????????????????????????????Such a fantastic looking figure but if I get it it will really throw off the uniformity of my line up of ANH icons. Hmmm.
Anyone else think it's an odd choice for the blaster? I would've preferred the esb e-11.
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HT certainly has a gift for capturing CF.
But who would run the risk of damaging the headsculpt/paint by putting the weld goggles or breather mask on?