Can anyone explain why they can't make female figures with seamless necks? Is it because they just haven't developed the bodies to accommodate that? Bums me out a bit because it always takes away from the realism for me.
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If this actually gets made, I'm in.
If this actually gets made, I'm in.
I don't know why but I think this is my favorite Leia costume from the series....
I *really* like the manageable simplicity of having just one figure of each main character in their primary ANH outfits but "Bespin Escape Leia" with her looped braids and white outfit is the pinnacle of ass-kicking Leia for me. If this new figure comes with an alternate head to allow that look then I don't know how I'd be able to resist.
...this means I now need to create a Star Wars shelf in my collection
I kept hoping but didn't really expect HT to make this version of Leia. I'm really hoping we get a second head sculpt with the Bespin hair loops (and the red Bespin dress, if we're shooting for the stars)