I'll go with what Luke said.
"Lay-uh's my sister."
As opposed to Tarkin's: Princess Lee-uh... before your execution...
I'll go with what Luke said.
"Lay-uh's my sister."
As opposed to Tarkin's: Princess Lee-uh... before your execution...
Yes. Luke's her brother; I'd presume he'd know how it's correctly pronounced.
She is looking great. HT's really has Carrie Fisher's likeness. Another winner from HT's.
She tells Lando her name when they land on Bespin. "Lay-uh" You'd think she'd know how to pronounce her own name.
The old guy on Yavin (Dodonna, thanks Wookieepedia!) also pronounces her name like that. ANH had a few weird pronunciation spots - like the Millennium "Fahlcon".
By then though she had stopped the faux British accent from ANH.