Hot Toys 1/6 Hoth Leia

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It's so strange HT used the slightly wonky Hasbro Nerf toy version of the DH-17 as their reference for the blaster (not either version of the screen-used prop) - and are now using this 1/6 Nerf gun on multiple figure releases. I was hoping it was just the Gunner that would have it and they'd correct the sculpt for Leia.

So they used Wookiepedia's non-screen accurate pic of the rebreather/mask as reference for Leia's mask (and I assume the upcoming Han Bespin will get the same inaccurate mask just like Leia)... and a Hasbro toy as reference for the pistol? Not sure what they used as reference for Leia's welder because that's also noticeably inaccurate versus what's seen onscreen.

Can't wait to get this in-hand, but HT's accessories are starting to get super-weird. They made accessories like Yoda's lantern/crate/flashlight and the Interrogation/mouse droids at half the size they should be in 1/6 - now all three accessories Leia Hoth comes with are noticeably inaccurate? Yeah, hardly anyone uses these things for display, but it's not a good thing.

No, its not good. Any one of these I guess could be laughable, but honestly, once it becomes a stream of easily correctable **** which hits production it shows a breakdown or lack of giving a **** at some point in the process. Those kind of mistakes may not be a big deal with cheaper toys, but they should really be a rarity in collectibles imo.
here`s a question to the members that got her early. has any of you removed her boots to see if her pants are long enough to convert into a bespin escape? and to make sure she is not sporting high waters under the hoth boots like the Hasbro jumpsuit had.

I don't have the figure, but I had the exact same thought, so I looked up the parted out pieces on ebay. Here's one, and it looks like the pants are long enough to do the Bespin escape outfit. It may not be ankle length, but it should be close.

It's just strange they can get SO beautifully close with both the headsculpt and the outfit, yet there's this pattern of making the accessories noticeably off. And on release after release - you could understand them dropping the ball on a release or two - but this is consistent.

It actually seems like they don't spend much time on research - if you google DH-17, most pics that come up are of the hasbro Nerf gun that cosplayers have painted black. So it's like HT just did a quick google search (or a quick visit to Wookiepedia like for the breather mask) then built everything from that. Yet you'd assume they'd be sent tons of LFL images of the props that you can't get in any book or website.
I was wondering this as well. Has it ever been stated how they research the props and costumes? I'm particularly bothered by how far off HT is with the ESB Fett helmet. Or the fact that they haven't removed the widows peak from the ESB Vader helmet.

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Everything they make would have to be approved by LFL, so any inaccuracies are obviously still passing the review and approval process. The vast majority of things that people point out I would never even notice otherwise lol. I think it's great to be accurate, but if it's 90% there in this scale, only a very small percentage would notice, and the rest would be blissfully happy regardless.

I know what you mean and I agree, but the question is - why go to all the trouble to produce something that looks like the breather mask bulb on the left (that comes with HT Leia Hoth,) when it's no more effort and expense to produce it looking like the one on the right (and as it appears onscreen.)

I don't expect fans to know exactly what that bulb is supposed to look like, but details like this should be able to be placed next to the source and kind of match up - those two breather bulbs are very different in size, shape and even color.


The question becomes - if few people really notice, or care, why do any of it to any level of accuracy? You see this conversation over and over in these threads - people saying stuff like "that Fett helmet looks off" and wondering/discussing why, but then you suddenly hear "jeez, it's just a doll, dude!" or "it's fine, stop being so picky..."

The above example kinda bothers me because they clearly didn't look at the film reference at all - they went to Wookiepedia and closely copied that instead, which is very obviously a totally different design:

Yeah it's a shame they don't seem to pay much attention to how things look in the actual movies. They did the same thing with Luke's ANH boots as well, using the darker color from the promo pics instead of the much lighter movie color.

Not to mention the reuse of the ESB lightsaber for ANH Luke. Lazy lazy.
Someone around here needs to go into the business of producing movie accurate 1/6 weapons and accessories for some of theses Star Wars figures. I already picked up an extra droid caller so that I can make my torch accurate when I get mine but I don't know if I'm gonna even be able to do anything about the gas mask. Wouldn't mind an accurate DH-17 or T-21 either.
I know what you mean and I agree, but the question is - why go to all the trouble to produce something that looks like the breather mask bulb on the left (that comes with HT Leia Hoth,) when it's no more effort and expense to produce it looking like the one on the right (and as it appears onscreen.)

I don't expect fans to know exactly what that bulb is supposed to look like, but details like this should be able to be placed next to the source and kind of match up - those two breather bulbs are very different in size, shape and even color.


The question becomes - if few people really notice, or care, why do any of it to any level of accuracy? You see this conversation over and over in these threads - people saying stuff like "that Fett helmet looks off" and wondering/discussing why, but then you suddenly hear "jeez, it's just a doll, dude!" or "it's fine, stop being so picky..."

The above example kinda bothers me because they clearly didn't look at the film reference at all - they went to Wookiepedia and closely copied that instead, which is very obviously a totally different design:


Yeah true. Maybe the additional time for someone or some machine in the factory to paint the extra red dot etc wasnt worth the extra expense for them? I guess it could've been a compromise in that it's some accessory that many might not use? No idea how they make decisions on compromise in design or accuracy. I guess for me, I'm perhaps just glad the core figure itself looks great. Seems the scale in height is consistent with ANH Leia which is good. They could've totally screwed that one up like some other scaling issues they've had lol!!
Damn it was going to skip this one and then read all the posts guys are a bad influence!

Will display this one with the snowtrooper as I don't have any other hoth figures.
Just saw that the SSC site lists Jan-Mar for this. Is it really possible this won't ship from SSC until March?
Will anyone be weathering the costume on this figure? I for one will be. It's done very well but a little too clean for my liking.
Will anyone be weathering the costume on this figure? I for one will be. It's done very well but a little too clean for my liking.

Typical Hot Toys actually. They are not the best at weathering costumes. Not sure if that's on purpose to let the fans discolour as they like/want, or what their thinking is ?? But I've thought the same about a couple of other releases.
Typical Hot Toys actually. They are not the best at weathering costumes. Not sure if that's on purpose to let the fans discolour as they like/want, or what their thinking is ?? But I've thought the same about a couple of other releases.

Suppose there are pros and cons. Starting off with a clean figure will let you weather it to your liking but also some people don't want to mod their figures or just can't.
Yeah it's even more noticeable with their SW outfits, since it goes against the entire aesthetic of that universe.

So I wonder what would be the best way to add some very subtle weathering to this outfit?
Damn it so on the fence with this one.

Tell me about it....

I have Jedi Luke on pre order....

But I cannot make a decision about which Leia I want until we get a ESB or ROTJ Han.....

Which is really lacking at this point.....

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Tell me about it....

I have Jedi Luke on pre order....

But I cannot make a decision about which Leia I want until we get a ESB or ROTJ Han.....

Which is really lacking at this point.....

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For me the most iconic look are: Bespin Han, Bespin Leia, Death Star 2 Luke, although I'd probably pose Luke with Vader and Palpatine and then Han and Leia together.

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