That's one reason why I try not to let the "latest" or the "greatest" influence my decision making too much. My figures represent to me a way to embrace meaningful characters and movies in my life. I collect Star Wars figures, and primarily stick to OT figures because that was MY Star Wars, and my Indiana Jones figure taps into the same nostalgia. I have the classic QMX Kirk and Spock for the same reason, And Reeve Superman will always be Superman to me and will always be the most iconic, and West Batman is part of my childhood, and Keaton Batman marked a 'coming of age' for the character, for the superhero movie genre, and myself. This isn't just personal nostalgia but part of a larger cultural shared history. Perhaps 'museum poses' aren't such a bad thing

. The MCU represents my Star Wars of today as characters I loved in the comics growing up has lead to 16 (and growing) interlocking movies that have made movie history. You don't even have to think the Marvel movies are the best movies ever to acknowledge that, but if you are a fan these movies will likely stay meaningful to you for a long time after they are history. Even if the future of the MCU eventually begins to go south, overall, they have already secured a legacy based on what has been already done. So my MCU figures don't need to be the latest and greatest now either, I feel my collection has captured the good of these interlocking franchises regardless of what happens next.
To me, things are still up in the air with DCEU. And I am not here to start a MCU vs DCEU argument, but I am talking about my own perspective which doesn't speak for everyone but I do think is shared by many. Superman and BvS were big disappointments to me, even though I thought they were visually spectacular. I am not going to enter into an argument as to why I felt that way and go down that road of debate, but I felt what felt. However, Wonder Woman changed everything for me, and revived my interested in the DCEU to give it another chance. Wonder Woman to me was just as cinematically and culturally relevant as the Reeve Superman movie was in its day. This is why a Wonder Woman figure is a no brainier for my collection. At the very least she will look great with my Reeve and Keaton figures as DC movie, and superhero movies in general, milestones. But Wonder Woman also led me to revisit Man of Steel, BvS, and Suicide Squad with an eye on looking toward Justice League. I still think there are major flaws in MoS and BvS, particularly in terms of characterization, but I can appreciate that they have some good moments and could be setting up better days ahead. As for Suicide Squad, and I have only seen the extended cut, I thought it was okay and enjoyed it for what it was; but not enough to feel I need any figures from the movie. (I don't have a history of interest in those particular characters but can see if you did why you would want figures). So now Justice League is cued up and I am cautiously optimistic after Wonder Woman, and perhaps after a little tweaking by Joss Whedon, that I might actually like it. We will see. I hope so. If I enjoy the movie, if it feels like it strikes a similar chord as an historic moment in the genre that Avengers had, I could see myself at least investing in a DCUU trinity. As for the other characters? Well, they are going to have to be portrayed well enough that I would get excited about possible solo movies. There has to be some hope for a little bit of longevity and legacy; but then again, if that happens I can also just wait for it to actually happen. To wait and see what a solo Aquaman movie will be like, or flash, or whoever. The point is that it is still up in the air, for me anyway, how much of a mark and legacy the DCEU will have and I am more than okay to let it play out some more before I decide if I want to memorialize any part of these films on my shelves.