Agree! DS is bada$$. This game version somewhat resembles the comic version in my opinion. Oh man, if HT did an all-black variant like Mezco did with their Deathstroke 

I have to admit being torn right now. Pre-ordered this bad boy last year, but with the Avengers buzz--especially after today's new trailer--I'm giving serious consideration to opening and verifying contents before reselling. Can't get wondering if there will be a market for DS come summer.
I really want this figure but only if we would have gotten a Arkham Asylum Batman. The City one just doesn't seem detailed enough to be paired with this DS and the Arkham Knight one is just...ugh
HT are making Origins Batman.
HT are making Origins Batman.
nothing official, the closest we have come to any sort of indication is a short clip in a hot toys behind the scenes video which shown a batman origins suit picture pinned up in their office. It’s quite a strong hint they’ll make him imo. There was lots of dlc suits pinned up too.Wait...what?!? How did I miss this, or are you just speculating?