Super Freak
The majority of movie-goers don't know who Karl urban is.
And you speak for the majority?
It seems either to be that or...
If he's not American, he's a nobody.

The majority of movie-goers don't know who Karl urban is.
I really dig the comic art - don't get me wrong, I'm just not that interested in a 1/6 scale comic book styled Dredd figure, that's allExpect it to be an authentic and lovingly done interpretation of ashley wood's favourite comic style dredd, thats about 30 years overdue to some people. They're a quality company unless you mistake their comic styling for inferiority, if you're into HT movie re-creation
The 3a dredd will be better than the above poster foresees. 3A figures don't even come with stands, and can be balanced on 1 foot (they use a tighter version of the HT body). Expect it to be an authentic and lovingly done interpretation of ashley wood's favourite comic style dredd, thats about 30 years overdue to some people. They're a quality company unless you mistake their comic styling for inferiority, if you're into HT movie re-creation
The amount of comic abstraction they do on their dredd isn't known yet, it could trump a realistic movie version depending on the design. It will be just the chin that won't be as realistic, I don't think tharg is much of a precedent (their only other 2000ad humanoid fig so far) as he is years old and a bit of a weird dude
Loads all round, will gladly talk about things rationally without flinging slander around. What 3A figures do you own?
It's true that 3A humans pretty much come with no alternate hands. Unless they have robotic hands with poseable fingers, 3A usually only includes a single set of alternate hands, but sometimes you're lucky to even get one. That's pathetic. Also in regards to balancing issues, personally I find that when 3A figures wear boots they are sculpted in a way such that it can make balancing awkward, which could be an issue with Dredd. And "get a load of this guy" is hardly "slander." Your post came across as blind Ashley Wood praise for no reason.
I couldn't find any info on the 3A Dredd, I assume no concept pictures out or anything right? Interested.
Pretty sure nobody will do him so I'm working on my own DREDD 3D.
It's true that 3A humans pretty much come with no alternate hands. Unless they have robotic hands with poseable fingers, 3A usually only includes a single set of alternate hands, but sometimes you're lucky to even get one. That's pathetic. Also in regards to balancing issues, personally I find that when 3A figures wear boots they are sculpted in a way such that it can make balancing awkward, which could be an issue with Dredd. And "get a load of this guy" is hardly "slander." Your post came across as blind Ashley Wood praise for no reason.
Yeah, 3a still kinda act like a small company (especially with the 2000ad line) where it takes ash wood to drop a rumour, then months later back it up with 'solid' info then eventually you will see a teaser pic then there will be a sale later on - I swear they do this for fun, as for bigger lines such as the Real Steel robots and HALO they were very forthcoming, 2000ad is more of a labour of love for ash wood as he used to read it as a kid. Being a fairly major character though it shouldn't be as much of a wait as others. No pics yet, just his word that it will be up for PO before the year is out, but my bet is early next year, but for all I really know it could be tomorrow haha
Also unless they send them to retailers too, you'll have to get it via their own sales website, either bambaland or G3A (in the middle of switching from bamba to g3a atm) which means paying up front at time of PO (PO money used to make the product), which isn't for everyone, but they aren't a dodgy and untrustworthy company. This process is weird for people used to HT, and the 3a dredd won't be what the majority of movie only fans will want, but its bound to be cool and most likely based off early depictions, which are similar to the movie outfit (minus the motorbike chest/back armour its nearly identical)
Pretty sure nobody will do him so I'm working on my own DREDD 3D.
Pretty sure nobody will do him so I'm working on my own DREDD 3D.