Here are the rough customs I did for my snap kits. I have a Bishop in the works, but he's going to require more work and I'm not sure how he'll turn out. Vasquez is just a Drake with a POTC Elizabeth Swann head (got the figure on clearance). I resculpted the hair and added the bandana, and of course added the armor graffiti. First I tried using a set of Ripley arms with the shirt sleeve removed, since the Drake ones seemed a little too buff, but they just didn't fit onto the figure very well and looked odd.
Hudson is a Hicks body with a GI Joe Duke head on it. I resculpted the hair, added a bit of facial hair, and removed the "locked heart" from his chest armor and replaced it with the skull. It turned out OK, but not great. I've never done any customs in this scale, and in some ways it's trickier than 1/6 scale figures. I had to repaint the heads several times and I'm still not very happy with them. They look good as a group anyway.
Good job there!! They look good!
I did some "frankenstein" customs with my extra Snap-Kits. I put Drake's head and arms onto an Apone body so I have a different looking Infantryman and I put Apone's head and arms on Drake's body to get another Smartgunner.