Yes, yes, bravo, Hot Toys. My question though: why were these allowed to go out in the first place if they knew they were bad? Or did they only release that comment after hearing that people weren't impressed? Glad I've forgone getting the earliest releases through eBay anymore.
Sorry if I sound synical, but Hot Toys has proven untrustworthy with first releases, often providing something better coming soon once everybody has already dropped big bucks to get the first, less spectacular by comparison, figure. Now they've one upped themselves by creating a situation for everybody that got the earliest releases on this.
Sure, it's nice they are offering a replacement head, but do you know how hard it is for a non-dealer to get a response out of these guys in the U.S.? I feel for all those guys who have been on eBay all last week winning these defects, especially because they went through another HK based vender. They are pretty screwed.