Hopefully the new games will generate enough interest, I'm thinking that's why HT is holding off on revealing Batgirl for pre-order.
July seems late to publish a 2019 catalogue. Also the figure being at SDCC wouldn't mean much on it's own. We need that pre-order, please Hot Toys!
I’m actually still pretty optimistic that Batgirl will be released. Judging from their other recent DC releases, it may feel like it will take forever, but I just have a feeling that Hot Toys still intends to release this figure.
I hope too but i have big doubts...
Oh I'm under no illusion that this probably won't ever see the light of day but I'm still holding on to some hope that once HT slow down a little with the Marvel barrage (to be expected as all the movies this year were bound to take up most of their time) that things like this will be brought out of hiatus for us all
It would be rather unforntunate as well as a missed opportunity if no further characters from the Arkham series
was released. HT basically has a 2 year window before the next Batman film, why not use it to prioritize the
Arkham series on the DC end.
This would have been the perfect Toy Fairs exclusive.
Sadly not gonna happen. All four are revealed by now.