Are you guys who are ordering from Toys Buying Agent going with first batch or later batch? = Timcent88?
Are you guys who are ordering from Toys Buying Agent going with first batch or later batch? = Timcent88?
Yes, this is his new site it seems. Much more reasonable than his eBay prices!
Well, I POed this through Sideshow. Now the hunt for the older Arkham figures begins. Here's to hoping they make more and give us a satisfactory, at least, line.
Personally I'm athering the cash for AK Batman. I don't know about Deathstroke. I love the character, but found the costume too clanky. I'm holding out hope that they might announce the new game and he'll appear with a sleeker outfit. I want a new Talia too. But we're talking about years and years of waiting. He's on the backburner for now.I'm at the same boat, just bought Deathstroke this week
I really hope they make an AK Joker and Catwoman
I'm waiting in case they do an AK one with two headsculpts, maybe a more manic expression. But yeah, the AA figure is top notch as far as accuracy to the game goes.The Asylum Joker is the best Joker HT have made in my view. Great sculpt, outfit and all the articulation you could want.
The Asylum Joker is the best Joker HT have made in my view. Great sculpt, outfit and all the articulation you could want.
I don't like his mouth and the eyes are like "high on Xanax"
That is a fair point, yeah. But I think that they were going for the "Smug" look he had in most promos:
Maybe they'll make a Knight version too, with a different expression and Infected HS as an extra/Sideshow Exclusive. What I wonder is if they make more figures, will they go with Knight or City ? As I've already said, I find AK Harley rather underwhelming, so I'll wait in case they come out with a City one. But for Catwoman and Icy I'm firmly in the Knight camp. Ivy esepecially since I don't like the green skin and I prefer her hair in Knight; they've got more style.
I think you're right about Joker, but it is still a bad decision haha
My predictions for next figures are (after Harley, of course):
Origins Batman
Knight Scarecrow
Knight Catwoman
I don't think they'll come back for City, AK's designs are a little bit more realistic and attractive for HT