IMHO, Ezio > Altair anyway... so this is an easy buy.
Hmmmm... I was reading through the HT Prince of Persia thread and some dots connected in my mind. Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed are both Ubisoft licenses. Can we expect more in that regard? Maybe a video game version of Prince Dastan? Or other Ubi licenses?Something nice to think about.
I don't understand all of the Altair love. Ezio = much, much, MUCH better game, better character, cooler costume, better setting (Ren. Italy), etc.
Other than Altair being the original game Assassin, what is the appeal vs Ezio? Seriously.
I think Altaïr's costume looks way cooler because of a couple of things... First of all the hood looks way cooler because it's all closed up at the bottom, no open shirt or anything on him. I like the sleeves better, not these fluffy pirate shirt sleeves and lastly I like the fact that his robe extends all the way to his legs.
I'm not saying that I don't like the Ezio look, because he looks awesome too. I just like Altaïr better.
Bah. Ezio and AC2 for the easy win. Better is better.