Anybody got the 10" Altair? got one on its way off ebay.
Just wondered what to expect.
Only got the Hot toys Ezio, Bought Altair for £10 on ebay,has'nt arrived yet, got the feeling it might only be the 7" figure as there was no picture only a description which said approx 10" tall and by neca.
Cant seem to find a pic of that one on the web only a 7" one.
I guess i'll see in the next few days!!!
Arrived today. Not bad for a tenner!!!
lucky bugger lol, well done thought mate, i saw these going on ebay for a lot more than that
Is this guy still available anywhere at a decent price? Or is eBay my only choice?
A few months ago he was dirt cheap and widely available but he is hard to get now. I was even trying to get one in June but prices are too high for what I'm willing to pay now (especially on evilbay).
Absolutely love this figure, I have a spare outfit on the way and a second vambrace. so I'll dye the new outfit like his wetlands ebony (when I say I'll dye it I mean I'll send it to someone else)
I actually modded the pauldron strap to look more like Ezio's
Has anyone thought about adding the rest of the Red and white stripes to the back of the outfit?