Super Freak
That’s the deluxe ROTJ sculpt with different hair.
I could swear the second photo looks different than the ROTJ sculpt. Maybe it's the angle.
Is this a new Con this weekend ? Or where are these pics coming from ?
Nothing yet. I?m very curious what they will include to make buyers who already have the DX07 want to buy this version.
Will they include an interchangeable dagobah upper torso for handstands? Or seamless interchangeable arms for dagobah backpack rides? Inquiring minds want to know.
I imagine a 'new' headsculpt will be good enough. They'll probably have better quality materials on the outfit, just different cut and sew.
Probably a section of the Cloud City as a wall base, like the flat wall section for Stormtrooper.
So is this ever going to actually get released, figured with Bespin gown Leia it would be a shoe in, but so far nothing.
I really hope so, I sadly missed the first one. Would be awesome if this is announced this year!
I am kind of expecting 3 ESB figures. Or at least hoping. This, Han and Lando. ?Come on HT ol money sucking buddy, don?t let me down?