Hot Toys Bespin Luke 2.0

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You make valid points, but it doesn't have to be either/or. The current market and logistical limitations are realities; but I do think (and there are no surprises here since most businesses act this way) they consistently make decisions that favour profit margins

I think if HT wanted to put out higher quality, no matter what, it'd cost MORE now. As someone else mentioned, it's getting pricier to produce in China, and with the recent CV situation causing supply chain shortages and labor issues, it just got worse. All companies make decisions that favor profit margins, at least most successful ones do. And ESPECIALLY ones that deal with the big-boy-high-end Disney licenses.

I do agree that even if there weren't production cost issues, they still would lean towards profit. Again, that's what successful companies do. Make a great product, increase production scale as demand sees fit, start seeing where you can cut to get more money for less and find that line in the sand where the customer won't cross any more. It's a balancing act.

And we thank the HT social media marketing branch for chiming in....

LOL Nah, I'm just a nerd in IL.

I hope this comes with 2 hair pieces like the Deluxe Jedi Luke. I think they can pump out a "deluxe" MMS version with 2 hair pieces, MAYBE even 2 heads, 1 body/clothes set and accessories and that'd be a pretty solid release. A lot of people have been wanting this version for a long time, it's the 40th of what's arguably the best SW movie and one of, if not THE, most popular one.
I think if HT wanted to put out higher quality, no matter what, it'd cost MORE now. As someone else mentioned, it's getting pricier to produce in China, and with the recent CV situation causing supply chain shortages and labor issues, it just got worse. [...] start seeing where you can cut to get more money for less and find that line in the sand where the customer won't cross any more. It's a balancing act.

Absolutely. As a 'less is more' collector I'm fine with that, but completists or people who favour more robust collections would be up in arms, so HT sees what the market will bear, and act accordingly.

For all of us on this board who complain about that, if the roles were reversed we might not do it much differently. :lol
Dagobah base on this...interesting. Maybe we?ll get the tank top for a training look. A Yoda Ep5 re-release can?t be far behind either. I?ll take both
Yep, as i already own the Dx version, i'd be more than happy to have specific Dagobah outfit parts and accessories. Would certainly have me order this Luke version again without question.
Yep, as i already own the Dx version, i'd be more than happy to have specific Dagobah outfit parts and accessories. Would certainly have me order this Luke version again without question.

Same here. To me the hair piece is more appropriate for Dagobah Luke.

I absolutely despise sideways eye sculpts. I like everything about this figure except that. Makes posing a real problem.
When I run for political office, banning sideways eye sculpts and production of the Death Star trooper will be the top priorities of my campaign.
He looks great in those shots. It would be cool if they do like IW Thor and give him switch out seamless arms for the Degobah training sequence look
Looks like a hamster. After lunch. I hope they'll improve sculpt a bit.
I would say the problems with the current figure are:

- New padding/fatsuit (added since last proto) is making the outfit too tight and body looking a little puffy
- the boots aren't looking very convincing - and they are too short and fat
- sideways glance eyes seem like it should be cool but often just makes the figure look confused (even though for this Bespin hallway pose it should work)
- the new hairpiece has a "literally just stepped out of the shower" look - could work for a wet Dagobah training figure, but not really for Bespin


- the cave base is for a quite different figure - dirty, sweaty training, so it's an odd mismatch (but I guess this base suggests the fig may be planned to be a Dago/Besp DX)
- this has gone on too long - they first showed this 15 months ago and not a lot has changed, so people are getting frustrated, especially with a reused Luke facesculpt.
I?m considering just getting Snowspeeder instead due to the hair, even though I was waiting for this. We?ll see if he ever goes up for PO and if he has a swapout hair piece.
I absolutely despise sideways eye sculpts. I like everything about this figure except that. Makes posing a real problem.
When I run for political office, banning sideways eye sculpts and production of the Death Star trooper will be the top priorities of my campaign.

I'd argue that half-open mouth as if it's full of marbles is worse than the side-eye. They have yet to surpass the DX sculpt in any OT MMS Luke.
If they are planning another DX, which is often the case for the same character. This could explain the tease and long wait, as well as that base like Talibane mentioned.

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