Hot Toys Captain America Falcon review

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Michael Crawford

Super Freak
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
I'm so far behind on sixth scale I may never catch up! I'm hitting up the Hot Toys Captain America Falcon tonight, a terrific figure overall. You can find my review at the usual:

Hot Toys Captain America Falcon action figure - Another Pop Culture Collectible Review by Michael Crawford, Captain Toy

or with the rest of the reviews at the usual:

Michael Crawford's Review of the Week - the number one source for action figure, toy and pop culture reviews!

You may also notice a change tonight - the side by side review style has been replaced with a 'text, photo, text, photo' style. About 40% of my traffic these days comes from mobile devices, and while I love the side by side look, it doesn't work particularly well with phones. The top down scrolling style works best across all devices, so that's what I've switched to. If you're using a phone to read the site, let me know how it looks for you.

Thanks for reading!

Great review as always. I love this figure. The wings turned out great and there are so many display options. I've had some small issues with the gun track/wrist holster sliding off but nothing major. I don't even think the price is all that bad but it was a bit strange that SS required a deposit on him at under $300...
Great review as always. I love this figure. The wings turned out great and there are so many display options. I've had some small issues with the gun track/wrist holster sliding off but nothing major. I don't even think the price is all that bad but it was a bit strange that SS required a deposit on him at under $300...

You can always use an itty bitty hunk of poster tack on the slider to keep it in place, and it won't leave any residue.
Great review as always, and I was really happy with this one too. The only thing I'd mention is that the lights are yellow, not red, and a lot of people have been complaining about it. Doesn't bother me, but it really isn't accurate, either.