Looks fantastic. Really making it hard to continue passing on this line. Problem is that I would now need to pick up Jack and Will, for sure. (I can live without the other two figs... for now...)
Did you meaen Righetti? I hope there is a Pintel and Righetti as well. Those two are the Droids of POTC
Nice, but I'm going to be as mindlessly critical as the SSC critics.
I'd like to see more differentiation in texture. It's obviously all molded plastic, but the screen character had slimy seaweek, rough coral, ragged cloth, etc. This kind of looks no better than the 12" NECA.
Nice, but I'm going to be as mindlessly critical as the SSC critics.
I'd like to see more differentiation in texture. It's obviously all molded plastic, but the screen character had slimy seaweek, rough coral, ragged cloth, etc. This kind of looks no better than the 12" NECA.
I agree. The Neca sculpt is just as good. On the shelf you will have saved yourself $100.
The textures will be better on the Hot Toys one, having a mixture of plastic and silicon. It will have more articulation. Be able to hold a cane and a sword, have some added extra accessories, the pipe, chest, heart, cane/sword, keys. I would think it will loose lower body articulation, cause he'll probably only be able to stand. So basically it will look the same as Neca's. From Hot Toy$ pics, it's great eye candy.