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I suspect they designed the hover one first and only recently have been adding the finishing touches (lights in wheels and vents). It means less work to do in the future and probably saves alot of money also.

Those dismantled pics are scary. I cant imagine ever attempting to do that myself. I hope its easier to reassemble. I salute you sir in all your efforts
where do you get that?you buy or made that yourself?
there is sport almanac available?it will be good addition for delorean i guess

I made them all myself. At present you can get a sports almanac from hunter of bad mother tattoos which I have. Or wait till next year and get one with the 2015 marty
Some fabric is in.

This is "grey" and "steel grey". Still waiting for "dark grey".




They look close (ish) when in car, but in direct light the difference is striking.

That has four different light sources on it, including natural daylight.
Also, I have just solved the next problem! - The whole front black plastic section would not budge. I've now realised why and I'm working on it.

I might post some more pictures later, if people are still interested.
Right, having just said that, now it's "sit back, relax, and have a think" time.

Here's the reason:

As you can see, I removed the large black section (required cutting some glue off - very gently - but no biggie) and this is what I'm left with:


As you all know, the whole purpose of this is to get to the cabin and remove the dash. Then I can look at the time circuits etc and spray it the correct colour.

So, here's a new problem.

If you look here, the dash is sitting on those three screw points - one either side and the third way deep in the middle:


So, I need to get under that central column to undo those screws from underneath.

Also, you'll notice the screw point at the front, that was holding that central column to the base plate.

That screw is now out and made not a jot of difference.

Right, follow me here with the problem. . .

The central column runs the entire length of the cabin:


And goes into the back of the car, here:


Now, there is ZERO chance I'm gonna take the back of the car apart, just to remove that central column and get in and under for those pesky screws holding the dash. ZEEEEE-RO. All the back is glued. I'm not risking external damage.

So, we're back to these three a-hole screw points:


The screws have to come out, to release the dash, to let me look at time circuits and see what I can do with them.

Which, *Sigh* leaves me with only one option - I'll have to cut through them. Cut through the plastic posts, that is. As when I put it back, I'll have to use a strong glue. Now, the dash isn't load-bearing in any way, so I'm leaning towards doing that.


Yo, BPBN - Maybe I'll just wait for your spare and see what you do with this problem/hurdle :lol
*Sorry pictures are sideways. Can't be bothered messing about and cropping. I'm sure you get the idea. . .

To be clear, here's the screw posts:

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Dude big up on tackling this! Thanks for posting all these updates in such great detail! Wish I had the balls to do this mod.

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Dude big up on tackling this! Thanks for posting all these updates in such great detail! Wish I had the balls to do this mod.

Cheers, bud. :duff It is a tad nerve-wracking, but I've been going slowly, labeling screws, taking pictures. It's a challenge, but once I've sussed it out, hopefully I can help if someone else wants to have a go at it.

Just got to have a lot of care a patience. :)
I bought the wrong set of micro drills, so have had to buy another set. There's time to mull it over, as I want to do an exploratory hole in each first.
Anx10us said:
Now, there is ZERO chance I'm gonna take the back of the car apart, just to remove that central column and get in and under for those pesky screws holding the dash. ZEEEEE-RO. All the back is glued. I'm not risking external damage.

Okay. So my wild claim of "zero chance" may have been premature.


Now another brick wall.

I will take a leisurely look tonight and see what I can discover next.

I hope you guys are making notes of what parts go where because I'm not :wink1:
Passenger side cables have now been tweaked and look a hell of a lot better.

Cable ties have been swapped with cut heatshrink tubing. Here is a picture to show the difference:


The cables have also now been worked into the back panel similar to the film. This is where the cables that run down and along the door start:


Here, the top set of wires are the ones that run down, along the central column, up and around the dash and then drop down under the dash. The lower set run down, along the central column and dissapear under the dash. Very fiddly but worth the effort.


This is from the film for comparison. Yes there are many more wires but its difficult replicating that. Im not gonna take the car apart to make it easier. Maybe Anx10us will.


Finally. This is what my completed passenger side now looks like. Not to flux my capacitor, but it looks freaking awesome now. Just adding in a few extra details that are very inexpensive, the look improves ten-fold.

Drivers side now tweaked too. Im really happy with the interior now. This is the sort of standard I wish HT had gone too really. It now has a non showroom feel to it meaning it doesnt look brand new. It looks clustered and a little more claustrophobic like a delorean does feel.


I also added a couple more wires to the side trims.


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