Super Freak
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"
No love for Kuiil?
No love for Kuiil?
Not thinking about NYC, but the fact that Season 2 is about 4 weeks away. I don't think there will be anything special for NYC from Hot Toys.
Totally agreed!
No love for Kuiil?
I can't see any character that didn't appear in the trailer being released before the show starts. Unless there's a second trailer released that leaves us with:
1) Din Djarin. Not enough changes to his Beskar outfit to justify a third figure so soon. We'll get a version at some stage this season, but not until the first Beskar figure has released.
2) Cara Dune. Possible, but, as Hoody points out, not the easiest option for Hot Toys to take as a first figure. However, it's still one of the most likely when you see what other options are available.
3) Greef Carga. Would be a very cool release, however I doubt they'd make him before Cara. I feel he'll be one of those ''also-ran'' cool characters, much like Baze, that we always wish for and never get.
4) Tusken Raider. Quite possible, especially with no new trooper variants being shown in the trailer. The Tusken is as close to an army-builder as we got and also plays on that OT nostalgia.
5) The Armorer. This is the way. As Hoody and I were discussing yesterday this one may appear like the dark horse but it's a bit of a no-brainer for Hot Toys to make. The toy companies seem to be realising just how cool she is and that she's a bit of a fan favourite. It's very telling that both Hasbro and Figuarts have put a version out this week.
6) Moff Gideon. Didn't appear in the trailer but we already know what he looks like (or do we?). I have a real feeling he'll have accessories and costume changes (e.g. a helmet) that we haven't seen so far. Unless he appears in more promo material I think they'll hold off until after his first episode of season 2 airs.
No love for Kuiil?
I think it'll be interesting to see how accurate we were or weren't. Although trying to prognose what Hot Toys does is kind of impossible.
They're probably pissed off there were no new or potential re-release troopers in the trailer. For this reason alone I hope this is the only trailer we get.
They're probably pissed off there were no new or potential re-release troopers in the trailer. For this reason alone I hope this is the only trailer we get.
So much Star Wars goodness today with Mando S2 figures still to come !!
I'm so interested how Fett will look. Surely they'll go for a Mythos type look ? Damn I hope he looks cool.
Definitely looking forward to more Mando stuff. But I dunno, the new preorders are not particularly exciting. The more I look at that Maul the less enthused I am for a figure of that particular look. And the Shock Trooper is cool enough for PT fans I suppose but it's just another Clone Trooper. Would have rather seen Bespin Han or a Wampa. Or even CW Kenobi or an ARC Trooper.