Super Freak
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"
Man that's gonna be hard to top
Man that's gonna be hard to top
Man that's gonna be hard to top
Welp i guess because the sequel trilogy was so hated by many and the CW/Rebels were so loved probably? lol i duno
Actually CW/Rebels and PT were hated in the first years after ROTS, so the ST can still be viewed in the same way in the future, the thing is Filoni and Favreau works UNDER KK.
The real problem is how spoiled is the fanbase.
Lol yeah i know what yer talking about. this fanbase can be really toxic... lotsa purist too specially back when i was being introduced to the fandom.
The last 5 minutes perhaps. The rest of it wouldn?t even be in the top 3 episodes of the season.
WARNING the sequel trilogy has entered the thread, abandon all hope and vacate the ship. Life-jackets optional.
I believe most of us understood which Jedi we were to meet as soon as the X-Wing appeared.
Lol yeah i know what yer talking about. this fanbase can be really toxic... lotsa purist too specially back when i was being introduced to the fandom.
No arguments about the fandom's toxic element, but broadly speaking it gets old being labeled an OT 'purist' because I don't like poorly conceived and badly executed films.![]()
I'm disappointed. I thought for sure it was Filoni flying in to save the day!
No offense intended But you're called of "OT purist" because you refuse to acknowledge that the OT is as "poorly conceived and badly executed" films just like all the rest, they all have great, good and bad parts, but this is the franchise that we all love.
No offense intended But you're called of "OT purist" because you refuse to acknowledge that the OT is as "poorly conceived and badly executed" films just like all the rest, they all have great, good and bad parts, but this is the franchise that we all love.
That is the curse of successful franchises. They survive long enough for the original fans to become toxic old fans who start bashing every new addition to the story. The MCU will get there in a few years too.
I don't see too many of those guys bashing The Mandalorian, Rogue One, or Solo. So, ''bashing every new addition to the story'' is a bit of a stretch. People don't like the ST because it was terrible story-telling, an obvious lack of planning, and no solid vision with directors/creators seemingly working against each other rather than working as a unit. Time will not make these great, or even good, films. They'll be all but forgotten in 10 years time. Is there even any real evidence that the ST is popular among younger fans? Most of the younger fans will grow up having The Mandalorian as their nostalgic childhood Star Wars memory, not The Last bloody Jedi and whatever episode 9 was called. If you love the sequels then that's great for you, but don't suddenly pretend you're not in the minority among SW fans in doing so.