Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"
Ugh, I know that's what they were strongly hinting at, but I had a hard enough time caring about internal Mandalorian politics during Clone Wars and Rebels, so not sure I want to see an entire season of that. I love the Mandalorians on their own, but an entire planet of them for an entire season could be a bit much...
I don't think that's what will happen - there's not enough shows per season for one thing, at least IMO for Season 3. Plus from the looks of Season 2, seems like F&F can't resist fan service stuffing (or maybe Disney is encouraging that; more characters=more stuff to sell). I am not buying every SW character that was ever thought up, just because they appear in the Mandalorian.
On the other hand, Mandalorians/Mandalorian culture and exploring more; and Din D'jarin's arc through the whole thing, for me was one of the strongest appeals of the show. Had to talk myself out of the Deathwatch fig. Ultimately - pure guess - Din doesn't end up being Mandalore's leader - something he doesn't seem to be interested in anyway. (If they keep to the Western theme where gunman/warrior helps out, and then rides off into the sunset.)
This show hasn't gone the way I wanted LOL.

IMO too much too soon. Am wary of the march of all these SW characters through this show. Like I was never a SW collector until Mandalorian.
But then I got the SSC Jawas (to go with Mando) and then SSC Obi-Wan (superb fig and liked the idea, which for that time period isn't THAT far away from what Din D'jarin is e.g. guardian) and Qui-Gon should ship this month (because, it's Qui-Gon).
There's a real danger of 1) needing ANOTHER cabinet

and 2) serious budget pain

. I still need to get IG-11 in the door. Beskar Mando. The only positive? is with all the delays, it's easier to keep the budget deck cleared. Like I don't have to leap on POs, 'coz of the extended wait times. I'd forgotten I even had IG-11 on order, until SSC reminded me.
For me, this Luke may be a pass. Not being a long-term SW collector - for me farmboy Luke would have been definitive. That version is long gone, I guess. I need to keep the collection - or try to - keep to Mando & co. $$$ And unfortunately, it's likely I'll want the fig from the Obi-Wan show too.
Still hoping to see Din rocking a new paint job kicking some ass with the dark saber.
Yeah, just occurred to me

the pulse rifle is bits of dust now too.

OK, this show is doing the classic hero's journey - no Crest, no rifle, no family, no job...well, alright, he's got the Darksaber and a really cool spear.

So, Mando spear version + tank Mando + royal guard? black diecast armor Mando = ~ 1,000$. I need to start saving.