He's just another James Cameron now. Talks complete bollocks to hype up a project and we get let down.
Times like these remind me of the George interview where he said Star Wars was made for kids.
No it isn't. It's universal and the films and shows are able to walk the line of appealing to all ages.
But this gutless turd will be remembered along with Last Jedi as a huge misstep in Star Wars history. It's BOBA FETT. Damn you Lucasfilm.
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It's even the little things.
Boba's shoulder armor being backlit and the light showing it to be translucent plastic, not a solid Beskar. The falling Aqualish from the balcony onto the water barrels with clearly human hands. Black Capistrano barely able to walk - leg DRAGGING behind him, damn near collapsing, NEEDING support to walk, then just A-OK and running around. The shields down on the droids and NOBODY shooting at them despite blowing their loads when the shields were up - just blankly staring at them. Ugh. so much more.....
It just comes off as a bad syndicated TV show with no continuity and a poor script with even poorer direction and acting. 1980's quality Friday night programming (ala A-Team).
Temuras teeth were decidedly the star of this series with the featuring they got.
and that is absolutely it. Six figures (at most) when we got how many from Mando S1, even without Cara Dune and Apollo Creed?Highest Priority:
- Cad Bane
- Black Krrsantan
- Cobb Vanth
Lesser Priority (but still probably a buy)
- Tusken Chief
- Tusken female warrior
- New Boba
I truly hope that we get a quality "Rebel Mercenary Fighter" from one of the leading third party companies.and that is absolutely it. Six figures (at most) when we got how many from Mando S1, even without Cara Dune and Apollo Creed?
They could keep Boba's face a secret and use that last fight between Boba and Cad to reveal his face. That would have been more impactful.not a fan of the fact that boba kept taking off his helmet. I know how they want actor to show more face time, but it really kills it for the boba character.
Weren’t those rumours started by fans though?All those rumoured cameos, especially Bossk, turned out to be a fart in the wind. Oh well, my budget was around 6 preorders, I don't think it will reach that.
Notice how he was the only one saying that sort of thing. I guess he was talking about everyone else’s episodes, not his own. Steph Green, Kevin Tachoreon, Bryce Dallas Howard & Filoni all did a good job on their episodes.Yep, totally amateur really. Rodriguez really let the team down. "All Killer and no Filler" my a$$