Latest picture from Toy-World HK, I think the Japanese clearly says that they will come out in Oct 08
Pic removed at request of Hot Toys.
So we are getting them!!!! Why nothing at comic-con then?
I'm sure that is an easy fix, and can be done relatively painless.Still looks cool, although wish Arnold's face wasn't so obscured by the paint.
I'm sure that is an easy fix, and can be done relatively painless.
Latest picture from Toy-World HK, I think the Japanese clearly says that they will come out in Oct 08
i wonder if they will do a BD dutch covered in mud complete with flaming torch and bow. that would rock some serious ass
Sorry to disspoint you guys out there, but according to this thread
there seems to be some technical problems on the duth and billy figure, therefore the final products issuing date will be postponed .
It did't say when, but personally i think that is quite a good news at least hot toys will have more time to look into perfecting the figures.
On the other hand, good for our wallet too as there are too many hot toys products coming out in the month of Oct
BTW i think it might be lisencing issue...