Thanks guys. I really, really dig the BD figure. Forget the regular Luke figure, forget the weather vane, the BD figure is what makes the set. Sure, there could be some improvements, and Rory already showed us what some weathering can do for this figure. I wish the bd hair piece was more complicated in it's sculpt though, maybe some gaps and stray strands here or there. Would help the realism.
Anyone have problems attaching the weathervane to the bottom base?
My vane pole seems to be too big to fix in the base...
I hate to be the guy who posts this, but I received mine about 30 mins ago. So I pulled out the nitrate gloves, put them on and started examining the figure. First, I would like to say the figure itself looks great, and I can't wait until its time to display it. But, as I was examining the head sculpt, the hair literally fell into my other hand. Upon further examination I noticed that both magnets had been stuck together and separated from the head sculpt/hair. After discovering this, I grabbed the BD Luke and did the same, but noticed only (1) magnet was loose (head sculpt one). **** HTs, seriously I just paid a large chunck of change for this guy, and I already have to repair it. GET FAKEN AN ADHESIVE THAT BONDS WELL! At this point, I figure I will repair it, but not sure what type of adhesive is required for the magnet to stick firmly. Anyone else encounter this issue? If so what adhesive do you recommend, and is this even worth bringing up to HTs customer service? It's a love/hate relationship right now, which should only be love.![]()
Firstly if you look through just a previous page of posts you will see this issue has been discussed already and secondly SUPERGLUE! It's a wonderful thing.
1 drop of super glue should work, cyanoacrylate bonds well to metal, and lol at the gloves!
Glue seems to be an issue for 75% of the figures so far. Wide spread problem. Happens to the iron man masks too.
Glue that doesn't stick, who'd have thought?
If there's gonna be an issue, I'm glad its this one rather than something that requires replacement.
Check your belts for missing buttons too.
Magnets are no real issue. Both mine came off immediately and I fixed with glue and moved on.
Oh yeh and I must echo the bd figure being the highlight of the set. Also ditched displaying the weather vane. Didn't expect it to be my favourite.
Yeah I figured it would have with other members, just pisses me off. Thanks. Superglue it is! I wonder though, if enough of us complain perhaps in the future HTs will smarten up.
I don't think I have ever felt any of my collection without the gloves on, I feel like I should be on a crime scene with them on haha. But I feel that my excessive hand sweat will ruin the figure, sweatest hands and back on the planet right here.
No to all. Watch the movie, the HT helmet is clearly to small.
Meh... It's a helmet from Luke's dream. He wasn't an **** fanboy collector so his subconscious was probably not very particular about scale.
Wow, you're right... at least in relationship to Luke's head in the helmet it is quite small. I didn't notice it until I saw your pic; then I did a very quick and not so good comp to illustrate it.
Well, if you only touch your figures while wearing special gloves, then I can see how the glue issue would be a big deal. . .
Pretty sure I had a similar unglued magnet issue with both my Sparrow and Lee DX figures.