some heads and parts here if any of you guys need them ...
some heads and parts here if any of you guys need them ...
some heads and parts here if any of you guys need them ...
Anyone else have the issue where the weather vanes lights seem to dim after a about 30 seconds of being on? Replaced batteries but still get the same issue.
some heads and parts here if any of you guys need them ...
No. But mine unfortunately don't work at all. The blue lights light up, but the red ones don't turn on at all. I contacted SC for a replacement
Anyone else have the same issue with only the blue lights working?
I cant remember who posted this background 1st , but Thank's and thought I'd repost it.
Huge-ified version is here
Damn. I already printed out the first one in 16x20 size. It did come out quite good, but I'm gonna reprint it with the higher resolution and stick it on some foam board. FYI, you can upload the photo directly to and schedule it for pick up. Do what I did and use the coupon code FIFTYALL and you will get 50% off and it will end up costing around 7 bucks.
I cant remember who posted this background 1st , but Thank's and thought I'd repost it.
The set is fantastic, although I don't know why hot toys didn't include two sets of Lightsaber grip hands!!
I mean fists..why? Luke never punched anybody in any of the films.
That's Han..
That's the one thing that irks me, is if i want to show Jedi Luke lightsaber in tow with Bespin Luke, either one or the other can have gripping the saber with both hands. Another problem I see, is that hardly anyone ebay, stores, etc having the grip hands for sale.
I know I can use the blaster hand, but still only one right hand to hold the saber is just SAD!: thud:
Why would you need a whole replacement when it's probably just the (cheap) batteries?